A New Start...

Hello again...

I darn't click on my old posts as they cringe me out far too much, however I'm now thinking of starting again. (As a side note - my old posts are all gone now for the sake of my own sanity as the embarrassment was a little too much for me).

Apparently I've forgotten how to use blogspot as it has been a while. I remember I use to use HTML and be able to add all these fancy things onto my blog as I was always determined to do it myself instead of paying for someone to design it or use one of the - every so slightly dull and dismal - free templates blogger gives you. So I wouldn't be too surprised if you clicked on a link and it doesn't work, my creative knowledge is much more within my Youtube channel now it seems.

My Blog got neglected a long, long time ago as Youtube is defiantly more my thing now as I don't tend to read other peoples blogs much. I think I just love the response I get off Youtube when uploading videos but nevertheless I still loved my blog when I had it. I think the real reason I stopped blogging is because I put too much pressure on myself to post really frequently. However I thought I'd make a go of it again and just use this as a little addition to my much loved Youtube channel. It feels every so slightly odd to be typing again instead of talking to a camera (whilst getting funny looks from your parents as they think you're talking to yourself). 

As for now this blog will be more fashion related posts, something which I love. So if you're one of the few who have stuck around for the past few years and are reading this again, hello and welcome, please don't judge me for my younger (and cringier) self who use to write about random crap on here. She is long gone. Please stick around and if you haven't already.. head over and join the youtube family (and maybe even follow some of my social media if you're feeling extra nice) and we'll see where this takes us.

Amy x



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